The Young Romantics Prizes

The Young Romantics Writing Prize was inaugurated in 2015. Running in conjunction with the Keats-Shelley Prize, it is aimed at poets and essayists aged between 16 and 18. Entrants are encouraged to respond to the work of the Romantics by writing their own original poem or essay. Essayists are asked to respond to a particular question inspired by the life or work of the Romantic writers. The poets respond to a theme which changes from one year to the next.

In 2021, this theme is 'Writ in Water', to mark bi-centenary of John Keats' death in Rome on 23rd February 1821. Our Prize Chair is Simon Barnes, the award-winning sports journalist and nature writer. Click the link for 2021's Young Romantic Prize

The first Young Romantic Judge was the former Poet Laureate Dame Carol Ann Duffy, who has been succeeded by Professor Richard Holmes OBE and Liz Lochhead, the Makar of Scotland.

Read our brochure for 2015's Young Romantics Prize here.

Read our brochure for 2016's Young Romantics Prize here.

For further information about the Keats-Shelley Prize, click here.


Young Romantics Prize 2022 Young Romantics Prize 2021 Young Romantics Prize 2020 Young Romantics Prize 2019 Young Romantics Prize 2018 Young Romantics Prize 2017 Young Romantics Prize 2016